How does this work?
This basal metabolic rate (BMR) calculator is based on the the Harris–Benedict equations revised and improved by Mifflin and St Jeor in 1990 (currently considered one of the most accurate formulas for calculating BMR), given only age, sex, height, and weight.
Adult male BMR = (10 × weight in kg) + (6.25 × height in cm) – (5 × age in years) + 5
Adult female BMR = (10 × weight in kg) + (6.25 × height in cm) – (5 × age in years) – 161
We then multiply the BMR with the activity factor:
Sedentary (little or no exercise): BMR x 1.2
Lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week): BMR x 1.375
Moderately active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week): BMR x 1.55
Very active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week): BMR x 1.725
Athlete (very hard exercise/sports & physical job or 2x training): BMR x 1.9
Please note that these calculations are only estimates, and actual energy needs may vary based on individual factors such as body composition, metabolism, and specific lifestyle habits.
Mifflin, M. D., St Jeor, S. T., Hill, L. A., Scott, B. J., Daugherty, S. A., & Koh, Y. O. (1990). A new predictive equation for resting energy expenditure in healthy individuals. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 51(2), 241–247.